JavaScript Vs TypeScript: What’s the Difference Between The Two

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JavaScript Vs TypeScript: What’s the Difference Between The Two

Whether you are an experienced programmer or new to the market, you may be wondering whether to start a new project using Javascript or Typescript. In this post, I will try to solve the doubts about each one and help you choose.

What is JavaScript JavaScript, better known as JS, is a programming language that conforms to the ECMAScript specification. This is a high level, usually compiled at runtime and multiparadigm. The name Vanilla Javascript refers to use without any libraries.

Where to use JavaScript

JS is widely used both on the client-side and on the server-side and in mobile apps. JavaScript can be used for the following:

  • Add interactive behavior to web pages.
  • Creation of web and mobile applications.
  • Creating web servers and developing server applications.
  • Game development.

What about TypeScript?

TypeScript is also called TS, being strongly typed, object-oriented, and compiled. Created by Microsoft, it’s just like javascript itself, which it’s totally based on, but with the addition of features that turned typescript into something so special. There are several advantages in adopting typescript as a development tool, such as static typing, the addition of classes and interfaces, and more.

What are the features of TypeScript

  • TypeScript is just JavaScript. To work with TS you only need knowledge in JS, this is because all TS code is converted to JS for execution.
  • TypeScript supports other JS libraries. Therefore, TypeScript-generated JS can reuse all existing JavaScript frameworks, tools, and libraries.
  • JS files are TS files. This simply means that any .js file can be converted to .ts to be compatible with other TS files.
  • TypeScript is portable. TS can run in any environment where JS runs, not needing any other framework to run.

Benefits of using TypeScript over JavaScript

  • Class and Module Support
  • Static Type-checking
  • Supports ES6 features
  • Clear definition of library API
  • Built-in support for JavaScript Packaging
  • JavaScript superset

Should you start using TypeScript?

Looking at the advantages of TypeScript like object-oriented language, reusable code, simple, clean, and consistent. There’s no denying that using TS is highly recommended for building a large project or smaller projects.

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